Monday 22 November 2010


'Blade Runner is one of the best examples of a neo-noir film and the style and tone of the movie is demonstrated right from the opening scene. Before the first shot we see the words 'Los Angeles 2022' on a black background showing it is set in the future but giving a hint that it is a dark place, this is reinforced by slow and melancholy music which adds to the downbeat tone. The establishing shot that begins the film is a wide shot of downtown Los Angeles set in the future. This is shot at night but lights from the buildings and regular explosions help give it a typically noir visual style. The negative feeling the audience gets from this shot immeadiately sets the scene for a dark thriller and indicates a setting full of violence and darkness, a very pessimistic look on the future. It is also clear the various special effects that this is a film made on a high budget. The next shot we see is an unusual extreme close-up of an eye with the city in its reflection. After seeing the initial shot of the city we are introduced to the head quarters of the corporation at the centre of the story although at the time the audience does not know this. The significance of the building is however shown with a low angle shot zooming in aswell as its very intimidating appearance. Inside the building the light is also minimal and we are inroduced to a person for the first time, he is shown up in silouhette and smoking a cigarette. All we hear at this point is background noise which includes an alarm going off which adds to the threatening and insecure atomsphere that the film is trying to transmit onto the audience

'Memento' is another well known neo-noir film based around a character suffering from amnesia. Much of the opening scene is focused on a close-up of a hand holding a polaroid and shaking it as the titles appear over the picture. The first shot the audience sees is a disturbing picture on this polaroid of what is clearly a blood spattered room indicating something violent and disturbing a person has obviously very recently captured. The fact the audience at this point don't know the story behind the polariod picture or who is holding and shaking the picture immeadiately creates a disturbing enigma which encourages them to watch on. Slow and ominous but sad music plays over much of this scene to add effect and the titles appear over the shot in an old fashioned roman font. Soon the polariod picture fades away which adds yet more enigma as it is the opposite of what someone would expect although this does make reference to the rest of the film in that it presents memory loss. The next shot is a close up of the characters face covered in sweat and blood, this immeadiately introduces the audience to a character in distress and continues the negative tone and the enigma of why he is in this situation. What happens next is visually confusing for the audience as what happened before is played in reverse. We get a shot of the room he is in and and a man that has recently been shot but time is played backwards and we see this man getting up and a bullet going back into a gun. It becomes clear that the entire scene was played in the same way giving it a very unusual and quite disturbing feel. As well as establishing the tone of the film and the genre (dark thriller) it sets up the film by introducing the audience to the theme of amnesia that the film is centred around.

'The Lion King' is a well known disney animated film with an incredibly detailed opening scene. The first picture the audience sees is a sun rising over a savanna which immeadiately sets the location with a wide shot and helps add a sense of optimism. This, much like the rest of the scene is accompanied by african music which fits in with the location of the film. We are introduced to the animals as they all walk in a pack in the same direction showing something important is about to happen. The entire scene is designed to build anticipation and emotion in the audience for the rest of the film. With the rest of the animals we are drawn to and the introduced to the main characters one by one. The main lion, Mufasa is introduced to us with a low angle shot immeadiately giving him a superior look and giving an idea of his status as king. As his new born cub, Simba is introduced the music quietens which presents him as a very important character in the film. The importance of him and his father as characters in this film is reinforced as he is presented to the rest of the animals from the top of a rock. A low angle shot is used and as he is lifted up the volume of the music rises once more. This opening scene proviedes a very optimistic opening to the film by only introducing the 'good guys' and invites the audience to immeadiately bond with these characters and take their side. The upbeat tone to this opening scene combined with the fact it is animated and involves animals immeadiately presents it as fantasy.

Opening to 'Memento' - my personal favourite

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