Wednesday, 20 April 2011


Alot of paperwork had to be completed before we were allowed to go out and film, among these were a storyboard which are used to give a clear idea of shot sizes etc so we know exactly what we have to do when the shooting stage arrives. A synopsis was necessary to enable anybody outside of our group to have a basic idea of the plot and perhaps the most important of all was a treatment. This is essential to giving us a clear understanding as to how we can give our film the desired tone and feeling and how it can interact with the audience. Editing, cinematography, mise-en-scene and sound all had to be covered in the treatment. Among the secondary pieces of pre-production paperwork was an overview of the planned locations including photographs and a rough sketch. to see how suitable they were not only for the film but for other factors such as health & safety of the crew, a risk assessment was completed to go with this. A call sheet was also needed to enable us to contact members of the group in an emergency. Of course all this was distributed evenly and fairly round the group.

The four of us were allocated our own specialist roles and responsibilities. I was given the responsibility of art director meaning I was in charge of mise-en-scene including reviewing the suitability of locations regarding wether or not the amount of light and atmosphere would be in keeping with the desired feel and atmosphere of the film. Becca was in charge of the editing which is what gives the product its rhythm and certain techniques can be used to give the sequence a very disorientating feel. Rhys was the director so he was in charge of making sure everything in the shooting stage was done properly. Aiden was the producer.

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